As COVID-19 continues to spread, regular disinfecting of living spaces continues to be important. For travel enthusiasts, this means cleaning their motorhome as well as their stationary home. The more often you travel, the more often you will want to disinfect high touch surfaces and other parts of the RV.

We've created the following motorhome cleaning and disinfecting guide, which will help you keep track of all the various steps. If you have any questions or want to shop motorhomes for sale, visit Casa Grande RV Sales. Our dealership is based in Casa Grande, Arizona, and we also proudly serve those in Chandler and Gilbert.

How To Safely Clean

A few key steps will help you stay safe during the disinfection process:

  • Wear a mask and gloves during the experience.
  • Avoid touching your face at all.
  • When you are done, take a shower and wash the clothes you were wearing.

The Necessary Cleaning Supplies

The exact supplies will depend on your given motorhome. There may be unique cleaning products you need to use—or need to avoid. Scan the owner's manual for model-specific recommendations.

Typically, you will need:

  • Trash bags
  • Spray cleaner
  • Paper towels
  • A broom and dust pan
  • A vacuum cleaner
  • A mop and floor cleaner
  • Bleach
  • Glass cleaner

1. Remove Loose Items

The first step is to do a walkthrough of the motorhome. Open up the doors, windows, and vents to get some fresh air flowing into the RV. Pick up any loose items that would otherwise block you from cleaning the surface underneath. Throw away any garbage and pack away the items that don't need to be stored inside the motorhome. 

2. Disinfect Surfaces

Once all the surfaces are cleared away, use spray cleaner and paper towels to disinfect them. Pay extra attention to high touch surfaces, such as door handles, cabinet knobs, light switches, and window latches. Be sure to follow the instructions on the given cleaning product. Some products need to be left on a surface for a given amount of time before getting wiped away.

3. Address The Floors

Once the surfaces are clean, it's time to deal with the motorhome's floors. Brooms usually work best on hard floors while vacuums are best for carpet. But if you have a vacuum that can handle hard floors, that is fine to use. Then, mop the hard floors with the corresponding cleaner (such as a cleaner designed for wood or for tile). For an even deeper clean, use a steam cleaner for hard floors and steam vacuum for carpet.

4. Remove The Fabrics

Take out all the curtains, bed linens, kitchen towels, bathroom towels, and any other fabrics. Give them a deep clean in hot water (unless the fabric can only be washed in cold water). Disinfect these fabrics every trip. If you are on longer trips, clean the fabrics once a week.

5. Deep Clean The Bathroom

Bathrooms can be a breeding ground for bacteria, mold, and mildew. A helpful step in prevention is to run the fan and use ventilation to help keep the room dry. It's also important to regularly give the bathroom a thorough clean.

Wipe down surfaces with a bleach solution, such as one tablespoon of bleach for every gallon of fresh water. Clean the toilet with a disinfectant made with motorhome toilets in mind. Finish by wiping the mirror with a glass cleaner.

We hope you found this motorhome disinfecting guide helpful. For more RV maintenance advice or to shop motorhomes for sale, chat with the experts at Casa Grande RV Sales. We can answer questions, suggest the best models for your budget, go over the financing options, and do everything possible to ensure a hassle-free shopping experience. Our RV dealership is based in Casa Grande, Arizona. We also proudly serve those in Chandler and Gilbert.